Bilete Jacob Lee (AUS) / Expirat / 27.09 - 27 sep '19 - Expirat Halele Carol

Jacob Lee (AUS) / Expirat / 27.09

Expirat Halele Carol, București

vineri, 27 septembrie '19

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.


One of the biggest artists in Australia you've never heard of is coming to Expirat this year. Jacob Lee live, on the 27th of September, will end his Conscience European Tour with a stop in Romania.
Opening act: Valeria Stoica
The thoughts that skim across the surface of our minds are stones that usually, eventually sink. Jacob Lee, not only graced with the ability to catch these stones, has discovered how to keep them afloat, drag them to shore & carve them into something even more beautiful.

Jacob Lee has released four independent projects since his debut in 2015, accumulating an impressive 130 million streams. Mentioned by The Brag as "One of the biggest artists in Australia you've never heard of", Jacob has deliberately flown under the scope of the industry, engaging with fans in a manner that has created a community & social network all artists desire.

Recently homebound from supporting Dennis Lloyd, as well as returning from his sold-out UK / Euro Tour, Jacob has disappeared yet again to finalise ‘Conscience’, his second full-length studio album. 
With the title track released April 5th & ‘Zen’ on its way May 24th, Jacob has described his upcoming record as the perfect evolution from ‘Philosophy’, touching on topics he’s wanted to lyricise his entire life. If this wasn’t enough, Jacob’s aspirations to become an author will soon be made manifest with 'Jacob Lee's Book of Lyricism' (Vol 1), launching throughout 2019, as well as an abundance of visuals, international touring & perhaps even another full-length record.

With an appetite for creation & an aptitude for words, Jacob has found himself the landing pad for a myriad of international artists, becoming the primary melody-writer & lyricist for the likes of Will Sparks, Reece Low, Marco Farouk, Tom Enzy, Buzzmeisters, Trifo, Swede Dreams & more.

Consumed by the idea that music requires landscape, meaning & purpose, Jacob has taken it upon himself to step within the shoes of others, conjuring stories they'd otherwise never had found words for, relating to them in ways only a dear friend could.
Un artist cu o creativitate din abundență, Jacob Lee a devenit rapid una dintre cele mai diverse descoperiri ale muzicii australiene.
Obținând rapid peste 5 milioane de stream-uri pe Spotify, Jacob Lee a intrat în atenția publicului internațional, dar și a caselor de discuri, precum Warner Music, 300 și Sony, prin EP-urile sale de debut "Sine Qua Non" și "Clarity”.
În momentul actual, Jacob Lee intră în teritorii neexplorate prin intermediul turneului său global. În același timp, artistul înregistrează următoarele sale piese și gestionează cu succes "Ghost Campaign", o campanie prin intermediul căreia și-a propus să crească nivelul de conștientizare asupra fenomenului de bullying.
La 22 de ani, Jacob Lee a colaborat cu o multitudine de artiști consacrați, compunând și înregistrând pentru Social Hooliganz, Tom Enzy, Trifo, E.C.S Ferrer & Swede Dreams. Considerat Ed Sherran-ul Australiei, Jacob Lee a reușit să-și clădească drumul spre o carieră de succes. Având o aură captivantă pe scenă, artistul este recunoscut pentru modul în care absoarbe atenția publicului, un public pe care reușește să îl transpună în poveștile sale prin intermediul versurilor sale inteligente, dar în același timp, ambigue.
Cu un număr de fani loiali care crește de la oră la oră, Jacob Lee își lasă amprenta muzicală prin optimismul mesajelor sale, mesaje care ajung să influențeze pozitiv chiar și la nivel mondial. Astfel, artistul întărindu-și dorința de a motiva și de a crea o muzică care face diferența.
Valeria Stoica is an indie-pop artist from the Republic of Moldova. She has a deep connection with nature, where she spent most of her childhood. Nature always replenishes her soul and brings new inspiration. Valeria’s first official single - “Remember” - was a great surprise for the Romanian indie-pop listeners. It has also proved to be an international success, with Spotify listeners from all over the world. Since then, Valeria has released a couple successful songs, such as “Distante”, “Just a boy” and “Hai Acasa”. Her latest release - “Get back” is a song about the reflection of love and nature embedded in the passing of time.

Since she was 8 years old, Valeria started to play the guitar, when her father enrolled her at the Music School. At the age of 16 years old, she discovered her outstanding voice, after listening to indie and international artists on YouTube, doing her first Damien Rice cover album.

Music is one of her greatest passion, and this can be easily seen within her wonderful work. She started writing down lyrics, most of them invoking the “love” character, since she was young. She always considers that this is a natural way of expressing herself.

At present times, she is an undergraduate student at the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts in Chisinau, Moldova.

Working on her first album, that includes singles such as Distante, Just a boy, Get Back, Poate, and Be my Friend all her songs express and depicts her personal life and relationships with the people around her.

In December, Valeria released a cover song for "Hai acasa" by Gil Dobrica, which was and still is highly appreciated by the YouTube community.

Valeria is one of the Univited Artists, an independent community and label of artists from Romania, that covers an electro, pop-punk, jazz and indie folk specter of niches.
Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in magazinele Flanco, Diverta, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX, Uman, Casa de Balet si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.