Bilete White Mahala at /FORM Space - 12 apr, ora 20:00 - FORM SPACE

White Mahala at /FORM Space

FORM SPACE, Cluj-Napoca

vineri, 12 aprilie, ora 20:00

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.


The new album by the band White Mahala, "Inevitabil, continues and upgrades their first album, "Cosoșelul", which has enjoyed and continues to enjoy real success with all categories of audiences, through hits like "1000 de pahare", "E drăcoasă mândra mea", or "Cântă mahalaua"

The new songs maintain the energetic, vibrant style with lyrics full of humor and spirit, with influences from folk, rock, ethnic, alternative, ska, pop, and dance.

The live concert with the new album, as the boys from the band have accustomed us to, is a lively, uninhibited party that makes the audience dance, enjoy life, and live each moment of music with passion, happily.

White Mahala doesn't just sing, they enchant you, and that's why the new album "Inevitabil” is not to be missed.

Get 10% off at ticket purchase on iaBilet and 20% off all drinks at Space, using George card.

This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites are available until 9PM.